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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Bumble Bee Annie!

Five busy honey bees were resting in the sun.
The first one said, "Let us have some fun."
The second one said, "Where shall it be?"
The third one said, "In the honey tree."
The fourth one said, "Let's make some honey sweet."
The fifth one said, "With pollen on our feet."
The five little busy bees sang their buzzing tune,
As they worked in the beehive all that afternoon.
Bzzzzzz! Bzzzzzz! Bzzzzzz! Bzzzzzz! Bzzzzzz!


But if you Buzz on down and check out Bumble Bee Annie on etsy, you can get one Custom Ordered. This busy bee might be the one to charm her way into your heart so don't forget to bring your net.


nikkinikkinikki72 said...

She is so beautiful and love her to bits.
I posted about your dolls on my blog the other day.
I think its amazing how you make them from scratch and all the work that goes into each one.

moti said...

Hi she is beautiful!!!
lovely and sweet!!!!!!



Primgrl1 said...

Thank you guys! She was so much fun to make, I could of made a whole hive of them...LOL! :)

Spicy- the virtual cat